raya :)

belek punye belek, jumpe pic ni.. :) bkn senang nk bergambar mcm ni hehe setahun skali je, yelah...aku yg dok pahang ni pun jarang balik kajang, ditambah lagi dgn angah yg kat mesir yg balik setahun skali huhu..dulu kat umah asik nk bergaduh je...hehe yelah time tu kecik2 lg..
ni dah besar..rindu plak...hehe dulu fatin mcm bilah lah kecik je comel2 ...slalu cubit pp dia time dia kecik hehe...skrg dah besa...huhu ingat lg kes jibek hehe :P ops...out of record hehe xpe...skrg atin jd tempat aku ngadu plak huhu..angah plak dulu dia comot hehe,dah tu slalu ponteng clas ptg hehe. tp xpe..dah sampai mesir gak dia hehe..aku kena jd somebody b4 dia abis blajar...yelah..doktor kn huhu :) bilah plak manje...yelah..bongsu kn hehe


  1. missing the precious moment during our chilhood life very much.

    perhaps we will success in everything we do.
    to become a good servant to Allah,the best follower of Rasulullah,an adorable son/daughter..=P

    p/s-sape la yg paling comot.Along ke angah die..haha.


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